Add your name to the fight!

20140414_Comcastfollowup_fbMore than 1,000 CUB followers have told the FCC: Reject the proposed $45 billion Comcast/Time Warner Cable merger, or force the companies to make major concessions. Sign our petition!

Why is this such a big deal?

First of all, the No. 1 cable company is buying the No. 2, and the No. 1 broadband service provider is buying the No. 3.  Without effective competition, Comcast has little incentive to ensure quality service or competitive pricing.  And the cable giant doesn’t exactly have the best track record for customer service, or for complying with the terms of previous acquisitions, as Sen. Al Franken has argued.

Simply put, the FCC needs to ensure strong consumer protections so that customers aren’t stiffed on this deal. At the very least, we’d like to see:

  • Mandatory compensation to customers who suffer poor service;
  • An “a la carte” cable option allowing customers to only pay for the channels they choose;
  • Company policies that uphold federal net neutrality standards. (Translated: Comcast can’t force websites to pay more for service to avoid blocked or slower content.)

Tell the FCC: no protections, no merger!

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2 Responses to Add your name to the fight!

  1. Pingback:  Speed bump: Comcast’s $45 billion merger gets delayed |

  2. Pingback: What’s your worst utility bill? |

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